Evaluation Plan for the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027

Exciting news! 🚀 We’ve got the Evaluation Plan for the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme in action, and it’s not just a tool—it’s our secret sauce for making our Programme even better! 🌟

Here’s how:

🎯 Goals of the EvalPlan:

Boost Evaluation Quality: We agree on procedural steps and put them into action.

Smart Decision-Making: We’re making informed decisions! We’re making it easier to decide on the directions and policies that enhance programme effectiveness and efficiency, plus setting the stage for the next programming period.

Impact Evaluation Framework: Wondering about the Programme’s impact? The EvalPlan has a stellar framework for that!

Stay Proportional and Practical: We’re ensuring our evaluations align with our budget and stay practical for the Programme’s evolution.

🌐 EvalPlan Special Feature:

Our evaluations cover all bases! We’re checking for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, and EU added value. Plus, we’re all about inclusiveness, non-discrimination, and visibility, as per the Interreg Regulation (Article 3(1)).

Check it out here: https://romania-serbia.net/programme/programme-evaluation/

💫 #EvalPlanMagic #ProgrammeUpgrade #SmartDecisions #InterregIPA #RomaniaSerbia
