The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as the Managing Authority for the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027, is launching today, November 11, 2024, for public consultation the documents related to the second call for project proposals.
The second call for project proposals, with a total budget of €10.3 million, out of which €8.8 million are IPA funds, is open exclusively for Priority 1 – Environmental Protection and Risk Management, Specific Objective 1.2 – Promoting energy from renewable sources in accordance with Directive (EU) 2018/2001, including the sustainability criteria provided therein, and Specific Objective 1.3 – Promoting energy efficiency measures and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Comments and suggestions for improving the documents related to this call are welcome until 25 November 2024, at the e-mail address: [email protected]
The documents are available on the website, in the section dedicated to the second call for project proposals.
During the 2021-2027 programming period, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration serves as the Managing Authority for the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia 2021-2027 Programme, which has a total budget of €87,725,681 and will finance projects concerning environmental protection and adaptation to climate change, health and education, tourism and culture, as well as border management.
Funding for these priorities consists of 85% from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III), 13% national co-financing provided by the Romanian state, and 2% own contribution for Romanian beneficiaries. Serbian beneficiaries are providing the 15% co-financing entirely from their own contribution.
The Programme area includes three counties from Romania (Timiș, Caraș-Severin, and Mehedinți) and six districts from Serbia (Severnobanatski, Srednjebanatski, Južnobanatski, Braničevski, Borski, and Podunavski).