The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as Managing Authority for the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027, launches for public consultation, today, August 1st 2022, the Applicant’s Guide for the first call for project proposals.
The process takes place following the preparatory meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027, which took place in Timișoara, on July 27th 2022, attended by representatives of the Managing Authority of the Programme, within the MDPWA, as well as representatives of the National Authority of Serbia, the European Commission and the institutions represented in this body.
In the 2021-2027 programming period, the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration is acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme, which will have a total budget of 87.725.681 EUR and will finance projects on environmental protection and adaptation to climate change, healthcare and education, tourism and culture and border management.
The funding for these priorities will be 85% from the Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA III), 13% Romanian state budget co-financing and 2% as own contribution of the Romanian beneficiaries. Serbian beneficiaries will provide 15% co-financing as their own contribution.
The Programme area includes three counties in Romania (Timiș, Caraș-Severin and Mehedinţi), as well as six districts in Serbia (Severno Banatski, Srednje Banatski, Južno Banatski, Braničevski, Borski și Podunavski).
Comments and proposals to improve the Applicant’s Guide are expected by 5 September 2022 at: [email protected].
The documents are available on the Programme’s website:, in the section dedicated to the First Call for the 2021-2027 programming period.