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General information
About the programme
Priorities and Specific Objectives
Facts and figures
Programming documents
Programme evaluation
First call for proposals
Second call for proposals
Timetable of the planned Calls
Implementation data
Final performance report
Project management toolbox
Procurement rules
Public procurements
Public information
MC Members
MC Decisions
MC Meetings
Rules of Procedure of the Monitoring Committee
Interest declarations
Personal data protection
Irregularities Report
Capitalization 2007-2013
Capitalization 2014-2020
General information
About the programme
Priorities and Specific Objectives
Facts and figures
Programming documents
Programme evaluation
First call for proposals
Second call for proposals
Timetable of the planned Calls
Implementation data
Final performance report
Project management toolbox
Procurement rules
Public procurements
Public information
MC Members
MC Decisions
MC Meetings
Rules of Procedure of the Monitoring Committee
Interest declarations
Personal data protection
Irregularities Report
Capitalization 2007-2013
Capitalization 2014-2020
Monitoring Committee Decisions
Decision no. 55/17.12.2024 – approving the Applicant’s package for the second call for proposals, within Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 54/28.11.2024 – approving not to recover an amount unduly paid if the amount to be recovered from the beneficiary, not including interest, does not exceed EUR 250 from IPA Funds
Decision no. 53/21.11.2024 – approving the extension of the deadline for submission of documents for project RORS00022
Decision no. 52/20.11.2024 – approving the extension of the deadline for submission of documents for project RORS00223
Decision no. 51/12.09.2024 – approving the Addendum no. 1 for project RORS00009
Decision no. 50/05.09.2024 – approving the list of projects (including reserve list) to be financed from the Romania-Serbia Interreg IPA Programme (2021-2027)
Decision no. 49/05.09.2024 – approving the errata to the Methodology for using lump sums for project preparation and project closure costs
Decision no. 48/02.07.2024 – approving of the Addendum no. 1 for project RORS00013
Decision no. 47/17.06.2024 – approving the prolongation of the non-functional period of the project RORS-193
Decision no. 46/06.06.2024 – approving the revised DMCS for Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme
Decision no. 45/10.05.2024 – approving the revised Rules of Procedures of the Monitoring Committee
Decision no. 44/10.05.2024 – approving the grids of salaries of the ROCBC Timisoara
Decision no. 43/09.05.2024 – approving the amendment of the partnership for project RORS00008
Decision no. 42/10.04.2024 – approving of the first revision of the Public Procurement Procedures for all Serbian beneficiaries and Romanian private beneficiaries (2021-2027)
Decision no. 41/11.03.2024 – approving of one month for finding the solution for replacing the withdrawn partner General Hospital Pancevo from the strategic project RORS00008
Decision no. 40/22.02.2024 – approving of the Communication Plan for 2024
Decision no. 39/05.02.2024 – approving the extension of the deadline for submission of supporting documents for the SIP project RORS00008
Decision no. 38/28.12.2023 – approving the revised Contracting Procedure (rev. 1) for Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 37/04.12.2023 – approving the revised Application form and budget for the ROCBC Timisoara for the period 2019-2023
Decision no. 36/22.11.2023 – approving of the extension of the deadline for submission of contracting documents for the LIP project RORS0008
Decision no. 35/17.11.2023 – approving of the declaration of RORS-193 as non-functioning operation
Decision no. 34/13.11.2023 – approving the Procedure for amending the project’s partnership under the Interreg IPA Romania – Serbia 2021-2027
Decision no. 33/03.10.2023 – approving the TA application form of the Managing Authority (eMS code RORS-503)
Decision no. 32/15.09.2023 – approving the Large Infrastructure Projects to be financed from the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme (2021-2027)
Decision no. 31/25.08.2023 – approving the methodology for risk-based management verifications for Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme (2021-2027)
Decision no. 30/25.08.2023 – approving the FLC Guide for Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme (2021-2027)
Decision no. 29/10.07.2023 – approving the operations of Strategic Importance to be financed from Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme (2021-2027)
Decision no. 28/10.07.2023 – approving the Description of Management and Control System for Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme
Decision no. 27/21.06.2023 – approving of Addendum no. 3 for project RORS-373
Decision no. 26/15.06.2023 – approving of the revised Action Plan for closure of the Interreg IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme (2014-2020)
Decision no. 25/31.05.2023 – approving of the Evaluation Plan under the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme
Decision no. 24/19.05.2023 – approving the Anual Implementation Report for 2022 of INTERREG IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme
Decision no. 23/04.05.2023 – approving of the 4th MTAS for the Interreg-IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme (2014-2020) and TA application form of the Managing Authority
Decision no. 22/20.04.2023 – approving of the Action Plan for closure of the Interreg-IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme (2014-2020)
Decision no. 21/17.03.2023 – approving the Anti-fraud Strategy under Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 20/17.03.2023 – approving the Communication Plan for 2023 under Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 19/17.03.2023 – approving the Visual Identity Manual under the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 18/15.03.2023 – approving the extension of the deadline for submission of contracting documentation for project RORS-414
Decision no. 17/14.03.2023 – approving the Addendum no. 3 for project RORS-372
Decision no. 16/07.03.2023 – approving the TA application form for the Managing Authority
Decision no. 15/02.03.2023 – approving the revised RoP of the MC for the implementation of the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme
Decision no. 14/01.02.2023 – approving the revised Rules of Procedure of the MC for the implementation of the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 13/09.01.2023 – approving the revised Annex 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the MC for the implementation of the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 12/19.12.2022 – approving the Corrigendum to the Applicant’s Guide for the first call for proposals within the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme 2021-2027
Decision no. 11/21.11.2022 – approving the Terms of Reference for public procurement of “Evaluation consultancy services” in the framework of Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Programme (2021-2027)
Decision no. 10/19.09.2022 – approving the use for SIPs and LIPs of the same evaluation and selection criteria set for regular projects within the first call for proposals
Decision no. 9/19.09.2022 – approving the Communication Plan for 2022
Decision no. 8/19.09.2022 – approving the Communication Strategy
Decision no. 7/19.09.2022 – approving the Technical Assistance Strategy
Decision no. 6/19.09.2022 – approving over-contracting of IPA Funds
Decision no. 5/19.09.2022 – approving the Methodologies for using lump sums for project preparation and project closure costs
Decision no. 4/19.09.2022 – approving the Public Procurement Procedures for the Serbian Beneficiaries
Decision no. 3/19.09.2022 – approving the Procedure for Evaluation and Selection of Projects and the Contracting Procedure
Decision no. 2/19.09.2022 – approving the Applicant’s Package for the first Call for Proposals
Decision no. 1/19.09.2022 – approving the Rules of Procedure of the Monitoring Committee for Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia 2021-2027